you can take the girl out of jersey, but you can't take the jersey out of the girl

another one bites the dust

2006-06-18 The current mood of meredithelaine at

i would like to stop hacking up bits and pieces of my lungs. not that i'm really doing that, of course. but it sure sounds like it. i scared the crap out of the security guard at the 24 hour rite aid on friday night. it was probably 2am or so, and he had a bit of red-eye (aka looked like he'd been smokin' up a bit), but "iron lung" cough is scary.

i finally started taking everyone's advice and bought some Airborne - which is apparently like alka-seltzer with vitamins and herbs and medicinal properties in it. no one could tell me what the hell it was, just that it worked wonders, supposedly. i honestly thought that Airborne was some sort of pixie-dust you threw in the air, walked under, and it made you all better. what else am i supposed to think when a product is called AIRBORNE???

i also obtained this Zicam spray, that is somewhat like chloraseptic or binaca, and is supposed to shorten the duration of my cold. it's this icky mint flavor, and all it has managed to do thus far is give me cotton mouth every time i use it.

one of my coworkers on my temp assignment told me that i can expect to be sick for most of my first year here in SD, because it's a completely different climate that i'm used to. different/more pollen, pollution, smog, etc.

i've been trying to dust my apartment a little bit, and wipe everything down with this vinigar/windex-ish kind of spray. i should get myself some lysol too, i suppose. and some of the febreeze that kills allergens. since i live in the teeny cube, i should probably be a bit more diligent in my dusting/disinfecting efforts. not that i'm a dirty girl by any means. but since my room is so small, it takes less time for more stuff to build up in here to potentially make me sick, right?

posted by: less-than3

spoke the truth!

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7:27 p.m.
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