you can take the girl out of jersey, but you can't take the jersey out of the girl

can we take a ride? get out of this place while we still have time?

2006-06-19 The current mood of meredithelaine at

the genii (plural of genius?) who came up with the packets of rice that are microwaveably delicious in 90 seconds are my new best friends. dinner was ready in 90 seconds, and consumed in approximately twice that amount of time.

(what? it's RICE. it's not like i was chowing down on some elaborate 11 course meal!)

today i am a little less allergies, and a little more bronchitis. it's a lovely sounding cough i have. but to be quite truthful, a vast improvement since the weekend.

a local university wants me to come in for an interview. the position is in one of their fundraising HR deparments (i think). unfortunately, their time frame clashes with my current work schedule. i was told from the get-go by my supervisor that this was a temp assignment, 2-3 weeks max. would it be out of line for me to ask him if it would be okay if i left in the middle of the day to go on this interview, as long as i came back and made up the time (usually i work 8-430, with a 1/2 hour lunch, and 2 fifteen minute breaks)?

i need advice on this, please.

posted by: less-than3

spoke the truth!

[if you like what you read, please clix me!]

6:57 p.m.
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