you can take the girl out of jersey, but you can't take the jersey out of the girl

walk on the ocean

2006-08-24 The current mood of meredithelaine at

last night's toad the wet sprocket concert was pure beauty. songs all in a lower key (as you age, you can't always sing as high as you used to). the sun setting on the bay and the breeze rustled the palm trees. a beer in my hand and memories of my college days freshly squeezed back into the forefront of my mind. toad the wet sprocket was such a huge part of the soundtrack of those days.

at times, it was difficult for me not to cry. i wanted them there with me -- my crew. the boys and girls who made my life the topsy-turvy (yet oh-so COMPLETE) thing that it was from 1993-1997, and beyond. but for those 4 years, they were always right there in front of me. always within my reach.

next year is our 10 year reunion; i'm still finding it hard to let go of those days.

but i got to share beautiful songs (that we BOTH love) on a beautiful night with a beautiful boy. and then we left to go sing some karaoke. one of the songs he sang was a toad the wet sprocket song.

we got back to my apartment and i kept fading in and out of drunken consciousness falling asleep while eating my poptarts.

posted by: less-than3

spoke the truth!

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10:40 p.m.
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