you can take the girl out of jersey, but you can't take the jersey out of the girl

and the same old song, they're playing it again

2005-02-24 The current mood of meredithelaine at

i hate when the nyQuil wears off, and i'm left awake at 130am with a sore back.

i suppose i need some stronger medicine, even though i'm feeling kind of high right now. but i'd like to be able to walk without pain, and talk without hacking up pieces of my lung.

just a thought.

good GOD my entries have sucked lately. these are the moments where i PRAY for some angst. at least, some angst that i can throw out there to the general public. well, the aftermath of the wedding and being sick has caused me to gain mass quantities of weight. it's making me very sad and frustrated. that's angsty isn't it?

(more like sad and pathetic)

ooh. my monitor screen looks like it's getting smooooshed. the letters are startng to look flatter and stretched out a little bit.

n to the y to the big-fuckin'-Q to the u to the i to the l, baby.


i think i may have to take tomorrow off. i've left work early the past 2 days. i came in and did payroll. fuckin' work ethic, bitches. when the national manager tells you, 2 days in a row, to GO HOME, i think you qualify as REALLY REALLY SICK.

besides, are they going to fire me? no. my official last day is march 25th. they're making an offer to my potential replacement tomorrow. she'll start on the 7th, and i'll train her for 3 weeks.

i am SO the golden child.

i can't wait to take some time OFF. just rest for a month. or 2. or 12. who knows what i'll end up doing? since everything is a big question mark hanging in the air, anyway. i might as well milk this slacker bullshit for all it's worth.

down, down, down the drain. everything's going...(i wish you could hear the tune in my head as i'm typing this. heh)

clearly, nyQuil is some potent stuff. maybe it hasn't worn off, after all...

posted by: less-than3

spoke the truth!

[if you like what you read, please clix me!]

1:27 a.m.
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