you can take the girl out of jersey, but you can't take the jersey out of the girl

and what have you done?

2004-11-19 The current mood of meredithelaine at

.5 hr 'til i head for the r5 train, doze for an hour, smoke a cig on the walk to my car, get dizzy and wait a few minutes (smoking makes me dizzy, it's weird), put my car stereo back in place, crank up TBS, drive to the nearest fleet aka bank of america mac machine, withdraw some funds, stop at giovanni's? gianetta's? gia-something-or-other's, pick up 2 slices to go and a 6-pack of coors light, drive to the homestead, change into comfy clothes and collapse for the night.

in other news - mah bebe went to a strip joint last night with a friend of his. good times, apparently. the food is decent and the girls are...entertaining. (heh)

and the next time i'm out there -- they're going to buy me a lap dance.

that's right. oh, good times are on the way!

tomorrow, i head to NJ for my best-friend-from-high-school's baby shower. very few things make me feel older and more pathetic than showers (of the baby OR wedding variety). but i'll be seeing my best friend for the first time in almost a year. all roly-poly and preggers.

and i'm sure she'll be adorable. she always has been. lucky bitch. she's a little perky 5'2 spitfire. i feel like a lumpy freak next to her. but i love her. she's my girl.

the rest of the weekend, i will be on pure mush-mode. maybe i'll rent some chick flicks. or the nightmare before christmas. i've only seen it once, and i want to re-see it. i'll probably clean my apartment (desperately needed!!!), maybe get an oil change. work on a couple projects (holiday-related).

oh, did i mention that i have a job until i move? yes, they want to keep me on until mid-march, which is right before my lease is up. so i don't have to stress over financial issues. much. more than usual, anyway. and, i'll be doing staffing and training the new person, so more good stuff to be added to the resume.

and i've rejected 4 interviews because of this. FOUR.

so. roughly 4 months to figure out where the hell i'm going to go next. there are many factors to consider. some *ahem* more important than others. it's a pretty exciting time, is it not?

happy weekend. oh yes.

edit: new photos on my buzznet account. go there, peep them, and tell me i'm cute. i've got low self-esteem and all...heh

edit #2: fuck, man. please just go here and listen to this song. i know nothing about this band or whatever, but i'm glad i stumbled across this. aslkdfja;lkd.

posted by: less-than3

spoke the truth!

[if you like what you read, please clix me!]

4:48 p.m.
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