you can take the girl out of jersey, but you can't take the jersey out of the girl

bought a six pack at the liquor store and we drank it in the car

2004-12-13 The current mood of meredithelaine at

i'm so glad i'm kept in the loop < /sarcasm>

apparently my coworker stayed in boston (with our nat'l staffing manager) last night as well. JC (my coworker) left boston with her husband at 3am. she'll be here probably about 11am.

the ONLY reason i know this is that i called JC to see if she was okay. i hadn't heard from her. i was afraid that her train broke down or she was actually in the hospital having her baby. no on both counts. Ms. Staffing Manager was supposed to call me and let me know that JC would be late. but she didn't.

i'm SO glad that i'm remembered around this joint.

and to think that i was actually considering telling them, "you know what? i've thought it through and i think i want to stay here, if you'll have me." which they would, since they're panicking and can't seem to find "another meredith".

yes, i was seriously contemplating taking my resignation back, or offering to, anyway. it seemed like the "sensible" thing to do. to prevent my little corner of the universe being thrown into even MORE chaos. this would mean i'd keep working in philly, which i don't want to do. but, i just don't know anymore. my head is so full of doubts that i can't seem to find my way up.

posted by: less-than3

spoke the truth!

[if you like what you read, please clix me!]

10:49 a.m.
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