you can take the girl out of jersey, but you can't take the jersey out of the girl

can't sleep at night, and you wonder why

2005-09-20 The current mood of meredithelaine at

normally my commute is about 45 minutes.

today, thanks to a fuel spill on I-287, it took me 2.25 hours to get to work this morning. which didn't completely suck, because i could chain-smoke and sing along with my iPod.

but since i'm technically an "hourly" employee, i lost some paid time. so i worked late tonight, and will go in early tomorrow morning. this will make for a sleepy meredith, but i need my 40 hours. i've already lost 2 weeks' pay due to my vacation. and i've got to save the kizza$h, you know what i'm saying?

today, one of the account managers told me that she's never seen an admin as efficient as me. this made my heart just burst. it's so nice to know that i'm doing a good job, and that others think so too. i'll have to use her as a reference in the future.

and bostonboy (another recruiter i work with), too, because you know he secretly wants my ass. heh. therefore he'll say nice things about me.

i'm pissed off at my iTunes right now. the first 2 songs were songs that i immediate associate with an ex.


time to switch it up.

posted by: less-than3

spoke the truth!

[if you like what you read, please clix me!]

8:13 p.m.
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