you can take the girl out of jersey, but you can't take the jersey out of the girl

can you keep up?

2005-06-29 The current mood of meredithelaine at


there used to be a lot more...something around here.

diaryland, that is.

i used to seek out new diaries to read. checking every diary on the latest updated members list: who's funny? who's creative? who's feeling the same angst as i am? who makes me FEEL something when i read.

lately all i come across are OMFGw00t!!eleven!!111LOLZ!! diaries. not that i don't have my moments of w00t-ness, but i'm not all w00t, all the time.

there used to be more community. more interaction. life happens, people get busy, i know. i can't really put my finger on it. it feels different around here.

maybe it's because certain features have been so screwy for so long on here. a lot of people got fed up and left. went to other diary sites, or just started their own sites. or have just been sucked away into blogging oblivion.

many of the people that i read now, i've been reading since i started writing here just about 4 years ago (FOUR. whoa.). and within the past year, i'd say, i've came across some awesome diaries, and made amazing friends.

but something is just off.

you've changed, diaryland. you're not the same diaryland that i fell in love with. i hope that we can work it out...

posted by: less-than3

spoke the truth!

[if you like what you read, please clix me!]

6:36 p.m.
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