you can take the girl out of jersey, but you can't take the jersey out of the girl

'cause then you'll find my heart in the saddest state it's ever been

2006-03-28 The current mood of meredithelaine at

my clothes are pretty much organized and packed. i would say 90%.

my dishes, utensils and misc. kitchen-type stuff is 99% done.

my linens are 99% done.

i have to go through my cds, decide which i'm bringing. i'm also going through them, and uploading songs on to my new laptop. i have to go through boxes of books and photo albums and decide what's coming. go through photo frames and other such knick-knacks.

meanwhile, i still have to get my taxes done and get prescriptions filled. visit people and say last minute goodbyes. i'm getting, on average, 3 phone calls per day from potential employers.

i am overwhelmed, to say the least.

i keep trying to make "to-do" lists, but my brain just keeps rewinding and starting over. it just isn't stopping.

my right tonsil kinda hurts.

i'm cold, but climbing over all this crap to shut the windows is SO not an option right now.

i'm going to throw on about 45 layers now and go to bed. i want to cry right now.

posted by: less-than3

spoke the truth!

[if you like what you read, please clix me!]

10:33 p.m.
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