you can take the girl out of jersey, but you can't take the jersey out of the girl

god help you if you are a phoenix and you dare to rise up from the ash

2005-06-02 The current mood of meredithelaine at

i may be down.
i may be dreaming of all the ways that i could destroy myself.
i may be lost, confused and fucked up beyond belief.

but there are some things that are worth fighting for in this life, and i sure as HELL am not going to allow that to slip away.

i've got people who tell me, everyday, how wonderful, amazing, and special i am. people who tell me how happy they are that i'm in their life. and who don't let me forget it.

i am worthy of all the gorgeousness and love this world has to offer. maybe my definitions differ from other peoples', but i am no less deserving of it.

i'm no supermodel, but i have my own beauty. i'm not "book smart" and i'm naive, but i make up for it in personality and talent. i would do ANYTHING within my power for those that i love. offering support, in any way that i can, until the end.

anyone who can't see that, appreciate and love that about me, and love ME all the more for it...well, they're just a fool, now aren't they. who's the naive one now...?

on that note, i have an interview with subw@y tomorrow. not to be a Substress (heh -- i just made that "Mistress of Subs" or something), but to work in their Fr@nchise Development office.

i hope that getting free subs is part of the perks. that'd be rad.

all subs, all the time, baby.

posted by: less-than3

spoke the truth!

[if you like what you read, please clix me!]

12:24 p.m.
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