you can take the girl out of jersey, but you can't take the jersey out of the girl

is this an illusion?

2005-02-11 The current mood of meredithelaine at

much fun and frivolity occurred at work after i stopped taking a tally of the songs on the radio.

setup: i work on the 16th floor of a building in center city. across the street is another building. the first 10 or so floors are offices, but from there on up, they are apartments. the people some of the apartments are odd, meaning that some of them tend to open their unscreened windows at weird times. for example, in february when the temperature is about 36 degrees, with a windchill of 2. we tend to notice these folks, because we have huge 10 foot tall windows in our office.

today was no exception.

G and i took notice of an open window with 2 people, a man and a woman, leaning slighty out of the window. they were on the 18th or 19th floor. does this not seem a bit, oh, i don't know, DANGEROUS? i'm afraid of heights, but i can't understand why any one would lean out a window that high above a VERY busy street in philadelphia.

the man was standing slightly behind the woman. from what we could tell, they were NOT an attractive couple. the gentleman started rubbing the woman's shoulders, then nuzzling against her neck. you know what comes next -- they start kissing. then just blatantly making out. in clear daylight, in front of the open window.

G and i are in hysterics. a little grossed out, but laughing just the same.

we feel the need to let this couple know our feelings on their VERY public display of affection. we grab sheets of the white copy paper. G writes on one sheet: GROSS. i grab 4 sheets of paper, and write one letter on each one, spelling out S-T-O-P.

we tape these signs in our window. the couple doesn't seem to notice. G starts pulling the blinds up and down to try and get them to look in our directions.

they finally do. they back away from the window. after a minute or 2 the woman shows back up in the window -- with BINOCULARS! of course, she's reading our signs. G stands there, gesturing and saying "WHY?! WHY?!?"

G calls up K, our former co-worker, and tells him what he's missing. i go back to browsing the internet looking for diary templates updating the temps' files and calling references.

the couple had disappeared for a few minutes. of course, G and i keep glancing to the window, trying to see if they are still watching us watch them.

nothing. until...

G says "OH MY GOD I SEE MOVEMENT! I THINK THEY'RE HAVING SEX!" i turn my head and watch and i see the silouette of someone moving fluidly up and down. "OH MY GOD, they ARE!" then we see a foot go in the air. then part of a leg.

"they are SO fucking!"

G and i are freaking out at this point. we are laughing hysterically. G asks me, "do you think we'd get in trouble if i put up a sign saying 'STICK IT IN HER BUTT!'?" i told her that it was probably a bad idea, but a funny one nonetheless.

we eventually calm ourselves down, but are still glancing out our window every so often. the woman appeared again at the the window, binoculars in front of her face. G and i are hiding from direct sight, and eventually the woman leaves the window for good.

i said to G, "they TOTALLY did it on purpose. they get off on people watching."

and that is why i am the BEST "Acting Office Manager" EVER.

posted by: less-than3

spoke the truth!

[if you like what you read, please clix me!]

8:58 p.m.
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