you can take the girl out of jersey, but you can't take the jersey out of the girl

i took a road trip to heaven, if only in my mind

2005-03-30 The current mood of meredithelaine at

i just got home from a drive.

i took 309 up to allentown and back. it's about 45 minutes each way. there was no particular reason for me to drive there -- it's just a gorgeous day, and i felt like taking advantage of it.

i love being on the road. cranking up the music and singing as loud as i can. i love speeding...65..75...80 miles per hour.

i love road tripping.

(except spring break junior year, when i went to daytona with 7 other people)

i felt so free. it made me so relaxed to have the freedom to be able to drive like this. go ahead, mer. take an hour and a half out of your day and just GO.

why can't we feel like that forever? why can't everything just be speed and wind and music and love?

i wish that i could accurately describe the feeling that i had. i wasn't worried. just content. moments like that are so rare in my life.

maybe i should just spend the rest of my life on the road. a nomad of sorts. maybe then i wouldn't be so sad, everytime that i turned and ran. because it would have been what i had planned in the first place.

but maybe that wouldn't work. i always feel the need for something to grasp onto. keep me rooted, keep me from flying away.

right now, i'm just trying to hold onto that hour and a half of heaven.

posted by: less-than3

spoke the truth!

[if you like what you read, please clix me!]

2:10 p.m.
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