you can take the girl out of jersey, but you can't take the jersey out of the girl

it's never easy, and that's why it's my life

2005-06-09 The current mood of meredithelaine at

i got an offer from $ubw@y. not a great offer, but an offer. 2K less than i'm making now, except that i'd get $1000 after 6 months, and then $1000 more at the end of a year, so it's really as if i'd be making 35K. which is what i was making in philly. the benefits are okay.

there's this kinda theme going on..."i thought i was worth more than that"

i guess not.

i really kinda wanted this job, but now it just doesn't seem worth it.

searching for a job sucks. especially when i'm so confused and in flux. i just think differently than a lot of people.

i'm overthinking everything right now, and i'm fully aware of that fact. too many factors, too many things not in sync with each other. i need it all to come together. and in a way that is at least a little bit in my favor.

that'd be ideal.

but, continually, i'm lifted up and thrown head first back into square one.

i'm trying to suck it up and be a happy camper, but it's getting harder everyday. i really just want to scream. i can't though. i can't let it all show. i can't let myself appear broken.

i'm really scared sometimes.

posted by: less-than3

spoke the truth!

[if you like what you read, please clix me!]

2:00 p.m.
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