you can take the girl out of jersey, but you can't take the jersey out of the girl

just get it.

2005-06-18 The current mood of meredithelaine at

yesterday was the day of the bacardi low carb breeze in a wild cherry label, yet tasting like vanilla. drunken phone calls that i don't think i need to apologize for.

know this much is true: i COULD be a big scandal. i could be destruction and heartache. but i am respect and value.

i am suntoasted and sunburned. i'll take a picture and post it when i get home. a million sicknesses could take over this body, you know. a million tests and tastes and beating hearts.

and i brave it all in a denim miniskirt and a brown spaghetti strapped tank top.

[love me, love me - say that you love me]

slowly cracking my strength - my despair opens the door of advantage. check. 40-love. field goal. hole-in-one.

the sky is partly cloudy - fights are brewing. i want to cry, but water is diluting it all. alcohol will fuel the fire. my cell phone will ring.

if i could bold, italicize, and underline myself, i would. because, contrary to what some my think - i AM important and worthy of those highlights. the gorgeous words and sentiments that break time into insignificant particles.

this is one of those moments that the words are just flowing. making no sense. not even necessarily to me...but my heart feels this all so strongly and my brain processes it all in a manner that it all comes out scrambled.

i twisted my knee while working out. i'm hobbling again.

i need a mike's light lemonade and a large glass of water. and some of B's lasagna.

i'm done. 'til tomorrow.

posted by: less-than3

spoke the truth!

[if you like what you read, please clix me!]

4:12 p.m.
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