you can take the girl out of jersey, but you can't take the jersey out of the girl

rockin' around morris county

2005-12-17 The current mood of meredithelaine at

i suppose i shouldn't gripe. some companies don't give out bonuses. which i think is a load of crap.

it's just odd. because in the industry that i'm in, i see resumes and employment profiles every day that say how so-and-so made 120K plus a 10% bonus, or 85K plus a $3000 bonus. it's hard not to be jealous of that. it's also hard not to gripe when you're used to get a $1000 bonus from your previous employers, and not every employer has always taken out taxes and medical, etc. sheeeeeesh.

today i was the taskmaster (pronounced taxmaster, because task-master is very hard to say, try it) extraordinaire. i asked my mom the other day (thursday morning, i think?) to pick up a prescription for me, if and ONLY IF she was going into town. i just didn't want to stalk the pharmacy that morning before heading off to work. if she wasn't going into town, no biggie, it was no rush, i'd pick it up over the weekend or something. i just needed it by sunday (you know, the anti-baby pills...)

well she picked them up for me. so she asked me to pick up some stuff for her while i was on lunch at work. ma, i don't TAKE a lunch, remember? so, of course, guilt-ridden, i trekked all over morris county this morning to find tissue-wrapping paper for less than $3 for 4 sheets or something hideously expensive (like hallmark), some nail glue, and some silk wrap stuff for her nails. all while still having a mini-migraine and generally still feeling like ass.

but i got my pat on my back, my "atta girl" and taste of praise for the day. i even bought peter his birthday present today. because his birthday is on the 19th, and that sucks to be gipped out of birthdayness when your birthday so close to teh christmashanakwanzakah. which reminds me, it was rhonda's birthday on the 15th. did i mention that here? crikey hell. i have WAY too many blog/diary things. i lose track. and i SWEAR rhonda, i'm going to find your present if it KILLS me! even if it takes me until NEXT december! hee!

oy vey. so yes, i'm still feeling like crapola. still headachy, achy in general and extremely cold. i haven't even eaten yet today. perhaps maybe i should. eh. i hate a venti-sugar-free-vanilla-skim-latte though. purrrrrrrrr. yum.

i have a present for everyone who reads this. but a certain website i need in order to give this present to you all is currently being fucktarded. so it will have to wait.

i need to lie down. be well, everyone.

EDITED TO ADD: this diary is the #7 site that comes up if you do a google search for "alone forever loser". greeeeaaaaat. that just makes me feel oh-so-good inside, i have to say.

posted by: less-than3

spoke the truth!

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2:27 p.m.
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