you can take the girl out of jersey, but you can't take the jersey out of the girl

touch me, take me to that other place; reach me, i know i'm not a hopeless case

2004-07-10 The current mood of meredithelaine at

multiple-post alert!

(as if anyone cares)

i get more love at my other (read: not diaryland) diary than i do here

less than a week until puerto rico. less than a week until sun and beaches and pina coladas and parasailing and dancing until dawn.

so many julys. julies? no. that's not right either.

29 times the july has come.

not one like this. not one where i believe that every fucking dream i've ever had will come true. and right now, i don't care if i get let down.

because it has already exceeded my expectations. as much as it has also failed me.

that's the curse of july, though. the curse of being the july drama queen that is the leo (horoscope). in someways, i'm not the typical. i'm not agressive in the workplace. i don't want to be anyone's boss.

but i am every bit the attention whore. i most certainly want to be the center of the universe. or at least someone's.

sometimes i feel like i ask for too much. from the world. from life. from...

but then i think, oh hell no. i deserve the fucking world on a platter. too many times have i been denied that. too many times have i looked the other way. too many times i have pushed aside ME. what i want, need, desire. too many times have i given up nearly everything. including myself.

i think it should be MY fucking turn. i HATE, with fire and venom, that i beg for this.

of course, i ain't the "drama queen" for nothin'.

but always remember, i am "100% real princess".

at least according to the stickers on my car.

posted by: less-than3

spoke the truth!

[if you like what you read, please clix me!]

1:08 a.m.
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