you can take the girl out of jersey, but you can't take the jersey out of the girl

well, hello to you too!

2005-07-23 The current mood of meredithelaine at

it's a beautiful day for an italian-fest in small-town ohio. i've got a tummy full of canolis and a smile on my face.

which makes up for almost being killed last night.


dave's housemate/landlord thought i was a prowler when i arrived, apparently. i parked over by the barn, where i always park. the porch door was open, and i assumed that it was for me to let myself in. i slowly stuck my head in and said "hello?"

he walked into the kitchen with a shotgun at the ready. apparently he had seen my headlights and taillights and saw a figure exit the car. he thought that i was an intruder, coming to steal his stuff.

when he walked into the kitchen and then saw it was me, he freaked out.

he stepped outside, stood about five feet in front of me and fired a shot into the air.

he later showed me the shell of the bullet that was reserved for me whoever was trying to break in.

he had been drinking, at the very least, if not high. and he was that quick to grab a gun.

yeah well.

apparently i should have called to let him know i was coming. this must be some sort of new rule, because i never called before

it is NOT my fault that dave was on his way home from work and i just happened to beat him to the house. it is NOT my fault (or dave's for that matter) that this guy was drunk on each occasion that dave told him i was visiting this weekend and didn't remember.

next time, i will call. duely noted. but don't read me the fucking riot act and then start talking shit about my boyfriend TO MY FACE.

and the really shitty part is that i have to sit there, smile and giggle (nervously) because i have to be NICE, because this IS this (crazy) guy's house after all and i AM a guest. a guest who almost got shot, but a guest nonetheless.

i can imagine this is normal behavior in rural ohio (or rural anywhere for that matter). i think he's a paranoid SOB. i can't imagine that everyone who lives on a farm is this freakish about visitors.

and then later the conversation turns to: "so, where's the NAUGHTIEST place you've ever had sex?"

'scuse me???

the more i get to know this guy, the more i don't like him. he drinks a case a day and smokes weed every night. now i'm the LAST person to say when people should/should not drink or smoke up. but, he doesn't remember things that people tell him, and then mouths off and is inappropriate.

YES, it's his house and he can do whatever the fuck he wants, but there is a small thing called CONSIDERATION.

yeah, i'm just bursting with anticipation to come back here to visit. what a warm welcome i got. the 10 minutes or so that i had to spend with him before dave showed up were nervewracking, to say the least.

i don't want to be anywhere near him by myself again. i don't want to be anywhere near him in general.

posted by: less-than3

spoke the truth!

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4:09 p.m.
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