you can take the girl out of jersey, but you can't take the jersey out of the girl

who's gonna hold you down when you shake?

2005-04-01 The current mood of meredithelaine at

it has been said that my entries have gotten sadder recently.

it's true, i can't lie.

i suppose i should stop being a downer. i should try and cheer up. i've had a few bright moments recently, but for the most part, the past 2 weeks of my life have been hell.

just hold my hand and take it all away...

i can't even explain why. well, i could attempt to, but it would take hours and hours and would come out twisted and wrong. so i'll keep quiet. besides, it's nothing that everyone hasn't heard before.

the answers always sound the same.

it seems that the more i write, the emptier i feel. shouldn't it be the other way around? shouldn't i be getting comfort out of my own words? shooting out my soul onto the pages?

who believes me when i say that i'm trying?

i never said that i needed much. but everything is cold and out of my reach. i'm so cold. and i've begun to feel endlessly guilty for speaking and writing anything anymore. i feel guilty for feeling. maybe i should just keep it light - an endless barrage of quizzes, jokes, and random fun-facts. maybe that's the key.

i hate being told that no one can pull me out of this but me. as true as that may or may not be, a little help wouldn't hurt.

maybe it's that no one knows quite what to do with me. how to fill a pit that seems to be bottomless. i'm sure it's frustrating and exhausting.

i'm still one of the good guys, though. right?

ad nauseum. et al. etc. and so on...

this display of self-pity is tiring to the masses. just tune it out. as her beauty has faded, so will her voice, eventually.

posted by: less-than3

spoke the truth!

[if you like what you read, please clix me!]

2:33 p.m.
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