you can take the girl out of jersey, but you can't take the jersey out of the girl

why hold it if i can pass it around?

2005-05-18 The current mood of meredithelaine at

thank you, guys, from the bottom of my heart for all the well-wishes. it means the world. dad had a CAT scan today, so we're just waiting to hear what the next step is.

in the meantime, i figured i'd lighten the mood with the pictures i promised.

so now...for your viewing pleasure...

(drum roll)

these are the things that i see, when i visit dave in ohio.

this is where i now spend my ohioan weekends

this was a random tulip in the front yard - i thought this picture came out gorgeous

speaking of gorgeous...hardy har har. i actually really like this picture of me

i tried to get pictures of the actual lightning bolts, but that just didn't happen

it was brutal and creepy out, nevertheless. and i, the brilliant girl that i am, stood right in the middle of it all!

i didn't use flash when i was taking pictures of the storm - except this one, by mistake. i think this picture is kinda cool - if you look at the middle of the bottom of the picture - you'll see a cross. it's actually where the laundry is hung to dry. i call this picture "the wrath of jesus" - it's a weird, ominous picture, at least to me. my mom loves it though. she wants a copy.


dave and i went on a couple of drives around a couple of counties this past weekend -- and there's some good stuff out there, let me tell ya!

heh - was that a great segway, or what? unfortunately, we did NOT go into the store selling the good stuff. maybe next time. i'm curious as to what they consider "good stuff"

this sign was outside of a bank. this just struck me as so funny. i was hoping that i could go in there and demand MY $10. there is NOTHING on that sign that says you have to be a 2005 grad. do you think that i can get $20 for graduating both Ridge High School AND the University of Scranton?

i found these giant rectangular signs with the arrow on top fascinating. they are EVERYWHERE! i really wanted one (i'm weird, what can i say?). then we happened to drive past a garage sale...

dave said it wouldn't fit in his car, so we didn't purchase it. i think that he just thought it was weird that i wanted one of these arrow signs. which, i suppose it is.

ALL SKATE! this picture gave me flashbacks of all the birthday parties i went to at the Montvale Roller Rink when i was a kid. oddly enough, there was another sign, on actual roller rink building that said "ROLLER SKATING" -- no shit! didn't this sign make it obvious?

when we first passed this sign, i read it as "FLAMING MOTEL" -- which of course got my immature mind going. but then we realized that, despite the weird lettering, it does in fact say FLAMINGO. once again, my mind starts going, and i said "heh. the Flaming "O" Motel."

and THIS, is probably my favorite picture out of all of them...

that, right there, is WIT!

and there you have it. OHIO.

i need to lay down now. my eyeballs are about to burst out of my head. ouch.

posted by: less-than3

spoke the truth!

[if you like what you read, please clix me!]

2:15 p.m.
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