you can take the girl out of jersey, but you can't take the jersey out of the girl

you can't have safety in numbers if you're all alone

2004-10-06 The current mood of meredithelaine at

yesterday, i found out i need to give my apartment complex 90 days notice that i'm not renewing my lease. i could tell them now if i want to. come april, i'll be gone. come april, i'll have left my job (75% sure of that, currently).

round & round & round meredith goes. where she'll stop next, nobody knows.

the "philadelphia experiment" is coming to an end. experimenting is all well and good, but i need something a little bit more real, more concrete than that. i'm formulating my ideals, my plans. slowly, but surely.


last night, unexpectedly, the nightmares came back. i suppose it's because i saw someone on the street yesterday that looked much like him (except with better teeth - ha). it threw me, i'm not going to lie. one of those tv-double-take moments. but it planted that seed back in my head, those ugly reminders - hands, words, alcohol, pain, desertion. they floated into my subconscious and disturbed my already fitful sleep.

5am, there was a knock on the door. i don't think it was my door, maybe the neighbors across the hall, or one of the apartments upstairs. but it freaked me out. between the dreams and the knocking, i almost didn't want to fall back asleep. i didn't feel safe.

normally, i can push it aside, detach myself from myself and ignore the fact that i don't feel safe. there are few moments when i DO actually feel safe.

few and far between.

posted by: less-than3

spoke the truth!

[if you like what you read, please clix me!]

1:17 p.m.
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