you can take the girl out of jersey, but you can't take the jersey out of the girl

zooma zoom zoom yeah we got the boom!

2004-08-15 The current mood of meredithelaine at

maroon5/john mayer show:

adam levine is SEX. pure and simple. and it's hysterical, because he is CLEARLY the personality of the band. and CLEARLY relishing all the pre-and-post-pubescent "EEEEEEEEE!" screaming.

(i don't do that. ever. um. yeah.)

meanwhile, their bass player looks like he should be in .38 special or something.

johnny mayer was of course, wonderful. he's so much better live than his cds let on. we didn't stay for the whole show though (probably about 80% of it), because it was pouring rain out, and we wanted to avoid all the waterlogged drunk people driving home.

(ickyness ahead. you've been warned.)

a girl 2 rows in front of us puked. mass quantities. she had been all drunk posing for pictures on her boyfriend's camera phone, and then she sat down. she held her hair back, and let it all go, her boyfriend standing by like an idiot. so all the alcohol she's spewing is now rolling down the slope of the pavillion area. lovely, huh? people next to her got splattered on. one of them was bitching the boyfriend out: TAKE HER TO THE BATHROOM!


granted, i've been wasted at shows...but not THAT wasted. what's the point if you're to either not remember or miss the show completely?

exactly. there IS no point.

kids these days. (hee)

posted by: less-than3

spoke the truth!

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12:46 p.m.
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