you can take the girl out of jersey, but you can't take the jersey out of the girl

it's been awhile...

2005-07-11 The current mood of meredithelaine at

i know, it's been a few days. and you've been weeping openly and pining for me. i know.

i don't have TOO much to report. dah-veed came to see me this weekend, which was, of course, bliss. saturday we headed down to lovely camden, nj, to the Tweeter Center at the Waterfront for the 3 Doors Down/Staind/Breaking Benjamin concert.

we spent probably about 2 hours sitting inside the girliemobile version 2.0, with the doors ajar, smoking (cigs, not weed, people), drinking, and eating potato chips.

'twas a lovely way to pre-game the show.

we think that the guy in the truck next to us was doing all sorts of weird drugs. smokin' and snortin' all sorts of stuff.

the show in itself was really good. it was good to hear some semi-alt-rock, year 2000-2001 style. i've missed staind. they fell off the face of the earth for a while.

AND i got to meet (albeit ever-so briefly) one of my myspace friends. kate ROCKS. she's SO sweet. can't wait to hang out with her some more.

today started week 2 of that job thing. which is going decently. i'm becoming more and more useful, which is nice. and will be helpful when my supervisor goes on vacation NEXT FUCKING WEEK.

yes, please. leave me on my own 2 weeks into my new job. thanks.

luckily, they're going to try and bring back the temp who worked before me.

i went to see the new shrink this morning. i seem to be "tolerating" my meds well. this means: 2 more weeks and then my dosages will be upped to the "recommended" amounts.

because the current dosage i'm taking, which makes me want to eat little more than cheeze-its and bagels, makes me nauseous and/or dizzy (the stuff i take at night, anyway), tired, and gives me this weird tingly-numb sensation on the tip of my tongue, is apparently inadequate.

oh, and over the next 2 weeks, as my body continues to ADJUST to the meds, i'll become irritable.

just grand.

oh, and my cholesterol is high, too.

i'm still sick, too. i'm a mess today. but, it's not bothering me, so i can't complain. much.

i'm just rambling now. i'll stop.

posted by: less-than3

spoke the truth!

[if you like what you read, please clix me!]

8:11 p.m.
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