you can take the girl out of jersey, but you can't take the jersey out of the girl

listen to the DJ - dance, dance dance and go crazy

2005-06-05 The current mood of meredithelaine at

delayed reaction response to kellbelle's challenge:

Total volume of music on your computer: well, just about everything is on my iTunes, except for videos, incomplete files, and random crap that i haven't deleted yet. but i'm not going to count those. so it's -- 3519 songs, 9.9 days, 17.74 GB

The last CD you purchased was: well, since i'm a bad girl and don't buy cds as often as i used to, i honestly couldn't tell you. i did get the clay aiken christmas CD for my mom for christmas, though.

Song playing right now: mistakes we knew we were making - straylight run

Five songs you�ve been listening to a lot recently, from several genres:
1. behind these hazel eyes - kelly clarkson
2. there you'll be - faith hill
3. sugar we're going down - fall out boy
4. i won't stop loving you - c-bank featuring diamond eyes
5. special K - placebo

and now, the challenge goes over to:

spritopias (i better see some howie day on there, buddy!)





i would give the challenge to nicky-d, but she hasn't updated in 76 days. she has vanished into diaryland no-man's-land.

it's sunday morning - time to make some scrambled egg whites, light wheat toast with i can't believe it's not butter and grape jelly, and check the help wanted ads - just in case.

posted by: less-than3

spoke the truth!

[if you like what you read, please clix me!]

9:10 a.m.
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