you can take the girl out of jersey, but you can't take the jersey out of the girl

in between the light of day

2005-03-05 The current mood of meredithelaine at

well, well, well.

to anyone wondering...i'll be online in a little bit, i'm working on uploading songs to...


that's right. iPod. see, since your beloved miss meredith elaine came into a lil' bit of extra kizza$h, i've decided on getting one. BEST BUY finally had them in stock, so i hooked myself up, along with a copy of "high fidelity" and "napoleon dynamite". i would have bought "garden state" also, but it appears that they were sold out.

so yes, iPod-ness. happy is me.

since i've been up since 730am (oh, sleeping woes still plague me), i ended up napping from 3-7pm. which cut into my addition plans of money spending.

there's always tomorrow, right?

tomorrow, if i am feeling up to it, i will head over to the mall, and hit up victoria's secret, and maybe a few other stores to spiffy up my wardrobe. perhaps head over to the old navy across the highway. and go online to sephora dot com to purchase some cosmetics and other products (yummy jessica simpson dessert products, anyone? anyone who knows me, knows that i'd rather smell like a food then a flower -- why not TASTE like one too?)

all in an effort to music-ify and beautify myself. get myself some HAPPY MEREDITH DAY! presents. i deserve at least at much, don't you think?

i've also been thinking about a vacation. since i'll be unemployed for a little while, this spring is probably the time to go somewhere beautiful, right? if anyone has suggestions of where i should go, let me know.

(jamaica is lovely. i dream of returning there...)

if anyone wants to go on vacation with me, let me know of that also. hee.

i do believe i'd like to cause some trouble on an island. hell, i did some damage in puerto rico last july with L. good, good times.

a certain semi-ex-boyfriend/stalker told me the other day he had a 30-pack of coors light with my name on it, and said we should get together and partake. he even offered to help clean my apartment (since once used that as an excuse NOT to hang out with him. i'm lame like that)

of COURSE i did not take ex-stalkerboy on his offer. there are certain people in this world that i do not trust being kind and respectful, and not trying any funny business whilst i am under the influence. he is one of them. i always want to be the nice one, and not the harsh bitch. apparently, this is often taken as an open invite -- regardless of my single/not single status.

i trust my "real life" friends, my boyfriend and any of his friends, and YOU, my lovelies -- the friends of made thru d-land. (cue the squishysmoooooshyloveness)

oh, boredom has consumed me right about now. the quiet hurts me. deeply.

but it's okay. because right now, even in solitude, i feel loved. love and a big red heart in a big box with a big red bow.


posted by: less-than3

spoke the truth!

[if you like what you read, please clix me!]

10:16 p.m.
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